LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV Discount Offer
You can buy LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV. Also read our LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV reviews before you decide to buy LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
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LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV Overview:
- LG's LED technology provides a slim profile and delivers amazing brightness, clarity and color detail, as well as greater energy efficiency compared to conventional LCD TVs.
- Full HD 1080p gives it superior picture quality over standard HDTV. You'll see details and colors like never before.
- TruMotion 120Hz technology lets you see sports, video games and high-speed action with virtually no motion blur. Now your TV can keep up with your fast- moving entertainment.
- LG's Smart TV is a revolutionary, easy way to access limitless content, thousands of movies, customizable apps, videos and browse the web all set up in a simple to use interface.
- The Magic Remote makes selecting features on your TV is as easy as the wave of your hand or using the wheel to scroll up and down through menu selections. TV remote clicking is soon to be a thing of the past.
LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV Reviews, On Sale LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV, buy LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV, LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV best buy, LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV Discount, LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV For Sale
LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV Reviews
44 of 50 people found the following review helpful ![]() By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: LG 42LS5700 42-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV (Electronics) The LG LS5700 is an OK TV. If I could, I'd give it 2-1/2 stars. The LS5700's selling point is supposed to be the "smart" features that let you connect to the Internet, get content from Netflix, Hulu Plus, etc. and share content from other devices in your network. It does have a nice crisp HD picture after you tweak the color settings, and so-so sound, as expected. But if that's all you want in a TV there are less expensive alternatives. Unfortunately, the interface for using the "smart TV" features is very clumsy. And although the manual does a good job of showing how to connect the TV, it has almost nothing on how to use the "smart" features. The built-in menus are supposed to do that. The on-screen menus and LG's online support are minimal at best, and just plain wrong in one case (see below).On the plus side, the TV connected easily to my home network, using either WiFi or an Ethernet cable. And the "smart" features do work, if you can stand the interface... Read more 7 of 7 people found the following review helpful ![]() By Erik Arneson (Harrisburg, PA) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: LG 47LS5700 47-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV (Electronics) The television itself is great, and Netflix works like a charm. But there is NO access to Amazon Prime Instant Videos through this television, which I find incredible and inexcusable. (Review written on April 14, 2012.) 6 of 6 people found the following review helpful ![]() By kuznetsov (USA) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: LG 47LS5700 47-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV (Electronics) "Magic remote" is pretty annoying. TV itself seems to be good - reasonable sound, reasonable image. I decided to buy this model because of good viewing angle range and better than average sound. I do not care much about the 3D features that manufacturers are promoting.Please note - the "magic remote" was the only one provided. IMHO this is one of those occasions when being cute and creative trumped being useful. I really wish I would have a more traditional remote together with this TV. Changing options and settings is not very easy. |
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LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV, LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TVLG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV, LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TVLG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV, LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TVLG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV, LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TVLG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV, LG 55LS5700 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV
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