LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV Discount Offer
You can buy LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV. Also read our LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV reviews before you decide to buy LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
Buy LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV at Best Price

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LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV Overview:
- Bring your content alive with full 1080p HD 3D technology
- THX 3D Display certified ensuring you're bringing an uncompromised 3D HD experience home
- Smart TV allows you to access limitless content, thousands of movies, customizable apps, videos and the best of the web all organized in a simple to use interface
- LG's TruBlack Filter helps block glare while boosting images on the screen to improve picture quality and contrast ratio
LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV Reviews, On Sale LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV, buy LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV, LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV best buy, LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV Discount, LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV For Sale
LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV Reviews
160 of 165 people found the following review helpful
why we bought this TV & first impressions, April 7, 2011 Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: LG Infinia 50PZ950 50-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV (Electronics) we've had this TV for 4 days now, and we couldn't be happier! i've been writing a running commentary of our initial impressions which i'll now consolidate to make for easier reading. we really benefited from all the reviews and advice that other people took the time to write, so we wanted to "pay it forward"
first, some background:
CONTEXT & SKILL-SET: we're a 1 TV household, averaging around 20 hours a week. we use the set for TV and DVD's only; no gaming. we were replacing a wonderfully dependable but huge, 10 year-old samsung tube toad. we did a lot of research before buying the lg 50PZ950, but we're not particularly knowledgeable about A/V stuff in general. why tell you all this? because it's important to know any reviewer's knowledge base (low-middling in our case) and context (moving from a CRT to a flatscreen). our perspective may not be relevant to all readers.
WHY PLASMA: lack of motion blur for sports makes my husband happy, and the... Read more
87 of 97 people found the following review helpful
Great TV...Love Amazon...Hate the Shipper they used, April 19, 2011 By Big John "Big John" (Athens GA.) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV (Electronics) First I would like to warn everyone on a delivery scam that Pilot trucking is pulling on Amazon and its cutomers.My TV was shipped to their Atlanta hub and arrived on April 4th...delivery estimate April 8th.I called Pilot on the 8th about 4pm to see whats up.They said they did not have the TV anymore it was picked up by another company J.P.Hall for final delivery.OK called Hall about the TV....a little snicker and a no way today,was told they would have a truck in my area next tuesday the 12th and next thursday the 14th..of course I picked Tuesday.On monday I received a call from Hall saying a truck was in Athens Ga with my TV but the helper was sick and if I could help get it off they would deliver it that day.I had to tell them because of my bad health there was no way I could do this.They said they would bring it tommorow.Ok Tuesday comes around no TV.I call Hall they say the Driver is waiting to pick up someone to help him.The Driver calls me about 5pm and tells me the guy didnt... Read more
29 of 30 people found the following review helpful
Big Thumbs Up, April 16, 2011 By Miles Madison (Santa Clarita, CA, US) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV (Electronics) After pouring through different reviews, forums and any other info I could find on the latest and greatest for 2011, I narrowed my search down to the Panasonic GT30/VT30's or the LGPZ950. I saw a lot of good things about the VT30 from Panasonic but it seemed like the new LGs had a lot of the same features and some extras. The price was right and it was available while the panasonics still had a ways to go before launch so I took the plunge and ordered the LG. Sooooo glad I did. This TV is awesome. Set up was a breeze. The set looks beautiful. Sleek and seamless. The picture is as good or better than anything I've ever seen. Both 2D and 3D look amazing and i didnt get dizzy at all watching 3D like i do in the theaters or on other TVs I've seen at the big box stores.
The apps and media share are great features. The UI in the home screen is very easy to navigate. Setting up wireless connection was also very easy. Everything just kind of worked right out of the box... Read more
› See all 71 customer reviews...
160 of 165 people found the following review helpful ![]() Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: LG Infinia 50PZ950 50-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV (Electronics) we've had this TV for 4 days now, and we couldn't be happier! i've been writing a running commentary of our initial impressions which i'll now consolidate to make for easier reading. we really benefited from all the reviews and advice that other people took the time to write, so we wanted to "pay it forward"first, some background: CONTEXT & SKILL-SET: we're a 1 TV household, averaging around 20 hours a week. we use the set for TV and DVD's only; no gaming. we were replacing a wonderfully dependable but huge, 10 year-old samsung tube toad. we did a lot of research before buying the lg 50PZ950, but we're not particularly knowledgeable about A/V stuff in general. why tell you all this? because it's important to know any reviewer's knowledge base (low-middling in our case) and context (moving from a CRT to a flatscreen). our perspective may not be relevant to all readers. WHY PLASMA: lack of motion blur for sports makes my husband happy, and the... Read more 87 of 97 people found the following review helpful ![]() By Big John "Big John" (Athens GA.) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV (Electronics) First I would like to warn everyone on a delivery scam that Pilot trucking is pulling on Amazon and its cutomers.My TV was shipped to their Atlanta hub and arrived on April 4th...delivery estimate April 8th.I called Pilot on the 8th about 4pm to see whats up.They said they did not have the TV anymore it was picked up by another company J.P.Hall for final delivery.OK called Hall about the TV....a little snicker and a no way today,was told they would have a truck in my area next tuesday the 12th and next thursday the 14th..of course I picked Tuesday.On monday I received a call from Hall saying a truck was in Athens Ga with my TV but the helper was sick and if I could help get it off they would deliver it that day.I had to tell them because of my bad health there was no way I could do this.They said they would bring it tommorow.Ok Tuesday comes around no TV.I call Hall they say the Driver is waiting to pick up someone to help him.The Driver calls me about 5pm and tells me the guy didnt... Read more 29 of 30 people found the following review helpful ![]() By Miles Madison (Santa Clarita, CA, US) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV (Electronics) After pouring through different reviews, forums and any other info I could find on the latest and greatest for 2011, I narrowed my search down to the Panasonic GT30/VT30's or the LGPZ950. I saw a lot of good things about the VT30 from Panasonic but it seemed like the new LGs had a lot of the same features and some extras. The price was right and it was available while the panasonics still had a ways to go before launch so I took the plunge and ordered the LG. Sooooo glad I did. This TV is awesome. Set up was a breeze. The set looks beautiful. Sleek and seamless. The picture is as good or better than anything I've ever seen. Both 2D and 3D look amazing and i didnt get dizzy at all watching 3D like i do in the theaters or on other TVs I've seen at the big box stores.The apps and media share are great features. The UI in the home screen is very easy to navigate. Setting up wireless connection was also very easy. Everything just kind of worked right out of the box... Read more |
› See all 71 customer reviews...
LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV, LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TVLG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV, LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TVLG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV, LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TVLG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV, LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TVLG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV, LG Infinia 60PZ950 60-Inch 1080p 600 Hz Active 3D THX Certified Plasma HDTV with TruBlack Filter and Smart TV
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